In 2022, Iowa’s state minimum wage in Indiana is $7.25 per hour.
The tipped minimum wage in Indiana is $4.35 per hour.
In calculating the overtime rate for the tipped employee, the restaurateur must multiply the minimum wage ($7.25 per hour) by 1½ (1.5), subtract the tip credit ($2.90 per hour), multiply that figure by the number of overtime hours worked, and then add that sum to their 40-hour total.
Iowa has no laws mandating meal breaks for adults. An employer does not have to pay you for a break during which you are completely relieved of your job duties. Your employer can require you to stay on the business premises during your break. Only the following breaks are required:
Employers must follow their own policies, practices or contracts regarding benefits. In the absence of such an agreement, these benefits are not required.
For most employees-yes. If you are an at will employee, an employer may change your work schedule, place of work, or job description without advance notice.
For most employees-yes. Usually either an employer or employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all. You may have grounds for legal action if the employer fires you:
If you leave employment for any reason, you are to be paid on the next regularly scheduled payday.
Items on the following list can be deducted from wages.
Items on the following list cannot be deducted:
For exceptions see Iowa Code Chapter 91A.5(link is external).
An employer may be held liable for the cost of bounced checks caused by the employer’s failure to pay.
The employer may require employees to buy uniforms. Deducting the purchase price of uniforms from an employee’s paycheck is not allowed if the uniform identifies the business through a logo or company colors. Payroll deduction may be allowed if the uniform is generic clothing such as a white blouse or black pants.
A meeting or training directly related to a particular business must be paid. Training that results in a portable certificate or license does not have to be compensated if it is outside of regular working hours and attendance is voluntary.
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