<span data-buffer="">Sign up to support the Restaurant Workers
Bill of Rights!<span data-metadata="">

Register your support of the Restaurant Workers Bill of Rights, in which we demand dignity, justice, and equity in our workplaces so that we, along with our families, communities and country, can thrive.

Untitled Document

Thriving Life and Liberty<span data-metadata="">

The Restaurant Workers Bill of Rights calls for:

  1. Thriving wages and a thriving life
  2. healing and rest
  3. a safe and dignified work environment
  4. universal healthcare and bodily autonomy
  5. participation in governance

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Are you a restaurant worker?
Take our survey. Share your experience.

<span data-buffer="">RWBOR: By the Numbers<span data-buffer="">

total signers
Add your name here.

Has your organization on board?
Check out and sign if not on the list.

Our Stories<span data-buffer="">


Restaurant worker in Tennessee

Paige is a 26 year old bartender in Nashville, Tennessee with almost a decade of work experience in the restaurant industry. She’s done everything, from being a server to a bartender, and has seen the ups and downs of working in restaurants firsthand.


Former restaurant worker in Michigan

Asher has seen firsthand the unethical behavior in the restaurant industry, including harassment and workplace violations. He believes that every worker deserves the resources they need to live a full and healthy life.


Restaurant worker in Mississippi

Lillian believes in a restaurant industry that is equal — one where workers have access to health insurance, paid time off, and a safe work environment.

<span data-buffer="">RWBOR: In the Media<span data-metadata="">

PA Food Service Workers Asking Congress for Bill of Rights
(Harrisburg, PA) -- Food-service workers in Pennsylvania are among many across the country who area asking Congress to consider a "Restaurant Workers Bill of Rights."
Click Here
Advocates Press Congress to Support Restaurant Workers' Bill of Rights
Food-service workers and their allies are calling on Congress to support the new "Restaurant Workers Bill of Rights," a document calling for higher wages, better working conditions and access to health care.
Click Here
Restaurant Workers Need a Bill of Rights
Before the pandemic, nearly 14 million people worked in the restaurant industry. Because the crisis hit restaurants so hard, that number today is closer to 11 million – and the plight of restaurant workers has not improved.
Click Here


Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Rep. Chuy Garcia

Rep. Marie Newman

RWBOR Launch Video